Directors of the PID Academy
Practical Implant Dentistry - The Academy was founded in 2013 to promote high quality training in Implant Dentistry.

Dr. Ashok Sethi - Programme Director
Dr Sethi has pioneered, in the UK and internationally, the art and science of surgical and restorative implant dentistry for 25 years in his private Harley Street practice. His practice, totally dedicated to implant dentistry, routinely receives referrals from his eminent colleagues. His systematic application of sound biological principles, research data and clinical experience has resulted in outstanding success rates in terms of predictability as well as aesthetic and functional outcome. A founding member and past president of the Association of Dental Implantology (UK), he has been designing courses and teaching postgraduates for 20 years at programmes run by the Royal College of Surgeons, the University of Lille, and in the private sector. He has conceived and is the founding director of the Diploma in Implant Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Dr. Naresh Sharma - Programme Director
BChD MGDS RCS(Eng), MSurgDent RCS(Eng), FFGDP(UK) Dip Imp Dent, RCS (Eng)
Dr. Sharma is a specialist Oral Surgeon with over 20 years of hospital experience. Dr. Sharma currently runs a practice limited to Implantology in Yorkshire where he provides a referral service to over 100 colleagues. He has lectured extensively on the subject of Oral and Implant Surgery all over the world. Dr. Sharma is a Co-Founder of the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Dr. Thomas Kaus - Programme Director
Dr. med. dent. (Germany), DipImpDent RCS (Eng)
Dr. Kaus headed the undergraduate programme at the University of Tùˆbingen. At the Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology he treated patients, carrying out the surgical and restorative aspects of implant dentistry. He also was responsible for research and teaching. He later worked in a private practice setting at a highly regarded continuous education dental training and treatment centre in Stuttgart (ZFZ – Zahnmedizinisches FortbildungsZentrum) providing the surgical and restorative aspects of implant-related treatment. He organised and implemented the postgraduate certification courses for implantology on behalf of the provincial regulatory body. Dr Kaus is a Co-Founder of the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr Kaus and Dr Sethi have collaborated on numerous publications, research and training projects. He is in private practice in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.